Friday, 5th June. ENGLISH: Reading comprehension+Word of the week

Good morning, everyone!!!

Today you first need to read this reading called Good manners. You can download it here:

After you have read this text carefully and tried to understand all the new words, go to TEAMS and access the assignment called Reading Comprehension Good manners. You can use the dictionary if you need it.

There you will need to answer the reading comprehension questions about the text. The students who are having problems using Teams, they will receive the questionnaire in the email accounts. The deadline for this activity is June 6th.

Second, the word of the week is: HICCUPS.

Do you know the meaning of this word? Watch the video on the link below:

Now that you know the meaning, let's check it in the Cambridge Dictionary:

Now, let us know in a comment below: Do you know a way to stop hiccups?

Have a nice weekend!!

Bárbara and Noelia


  1. Hi!
    I know a variety of ways to stop hiccups:
    ·Drinking a glass of water reverse.
    ·Hold your breath as long as you can.
    ·Let someone else scare you.
    ·Try to think other things and forgot the hiccups.
    Hope you're well!

  2. Good morning!
    I know some ways to stop hiccups, (I don't know if they are certain but with me they work)
    1. Be 15 seconds without breathing
    2. Drink water in small drinks
    3. Put your head upside down 30 seconds
    4. Eat a tablespoon of sugar or honey, then, inmediatly, drink a glass of water.
    5. Cover your ears with your hands and drink water with a straw
    Enjoy the weekend!!

  3. Good morning everyone!!!
    Yes, I know that if you got scared of something you don't have more hiccups. But I think that is not real, I think that if you hold the breath for a seconds repeately you don't have more hiccups.
    Enjoy your day!!!

  4. Hello everyone,
    A way to stop hiccups is to:
    1. Be 10 seconds without breathing.
    2. To drink reverse.
    I hope you have a good day.

  5. Hello!
    1. You can hold your breath.
    2. Drink water fast.
    3. Get scared.

    Have a good day!

  6. Hi!!
    To stop the hippus you have to drink wáter.


  7. Good morning,
    Drinking water fast.
    Marta Dide 5C

  8. Hey!! what´s going on? I have hiccups when I laugh a lot, and qhen I wanna stop it, I try to calm. Sometimes I stop, but others no!!!!! Have a superfriday,
    Paz 5ºA.

  9. Good morning!!
    One way to stop the hiccups that have worked for me is that someone to scare me very big when I least expect it. I hope is well the answer.
    Have a nice weekend.Irene 5B

  10. Hi!!
    A way to stop hiccups is:
    1. You can drink wáter
    2. Get scared
    3. You can hold your food
    Have a nice day!!
    Daniela 5ºA

  11. Hello!
    One thing I do always when I have hiccups, is to forget it, think in other thing and then the hiccups will disapear faster. Sometimes is difficult but if you go to a walk or you read or play it will disapear and you will have fun.
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Hello everyone!!!
    A way to stop hiccups is inflated a balloon or even if someone scares you.
    Have a nice weekend😊

  13. Hello,
    One of the many ways to get rid of hiccups is to hold your breath for several seconds.
    And another one is putting your fingers together.
    Have a nice day !!!!

  14. Hi!!!!
    - I think to stop hiccups you need to drink water very fast
    - Be 10 seconds without breathing
    - And someone needs to scare you
    Have a nice day
    Pablo Hernández 5A

  15. Hi,
    I know some ways to stop hiccups.
    1-Drink water fast.
    2- Stay without breathing for a few seconds.
    3- Let someone to scare you.
    Have a nice day,
    Mario Sanz

  16. I think that if you drink very quickly a glass of water, you can stop It.
    Marta Ceña 5B

  17. Hello everyone!!
    I don't know very well how to stop hiccups, but I think that if you drink water fast, or someone scare you, the hiccups dissapears.
    Enjoy your day!!!
    Mara 5A

  18. Hello!!!
    What works for me is drinking water upside down.
    Thank you,
    Irene 5A

  19. Hi
    I think a good way to stop hiccups is holding your breathe and getting scared.
    Have a nice weekend,
    Sara Olivera from 5°C.

  20. Hello!!
    I have a lot of ideas to remove the hiccups.
    - Hold your breath and drink 9 sips of water.
    - Fill a glass of water and drink on the side that is farthest from your lips, on the opposite side of you. ...
    - Cover your ears and drink water with a straw.
    Have a nice weekend.

  21. Hello!!!
    A good way to stop hiccups is drink water,
    someone scared you and hold your breath
    Have a good day!!! ; )

  22. HI!
    We can stop hiccups with drink 7 drinks of water

  23. Hi!!
    When I have hiccups I drink a lot of water and then I don't breath for 15 seconds
    Have a nice day
    Álvaro Gutiérrez 5°C

  24. Hello!
    I good way to stop hiccups is drink water fast.
    Have a good day!
    Claudia Herranz 5ºB

  25. Hi everyone!!
    I know some ways to stop hiccups:

    -To give a fright
    -Remember something they ask you
    - Drink water without breathing

    Have a good weekend!

    Unai Gómez 5ºB

  26. Hi.
    When I have hiccups I don´t breath for 10 secons .

    Have a nice day.


  27. Hi!!!!
    Stay 15 seconds without breathing
    Drink water
    HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!

  28. Hello,
    Hiccups stop drinking water or if someone scares you.

  29. hi
    1. get scared.
    2. Hold your breath 10 or 15 seconds.
    3. drink a lot of water.
    have a nice day
    Iván 5ºD

  30. GOOD MORNING!!!!
    I have a way to remove the hiccups is that you have to hold your breath and find your chest and when you hiccup drink water at the same time as the hiccups. 5°B

  31. Hi!!!!
    I have different ways to stop the hiccups:
    1.Drink water very fast.
    2.Say the alphabet with out breathing.
    3.Someone gives you a scare.
    4.Take one spoon of white vinegar.
    5.Breath inside a bag.
    6.Eat lemon.
    Have a nice day 😎 !!!!!
    Gonzalo Díaz 5ºD

  32. Hello everyone!!!!!!!

    When you have a hiccups you have to drink water without breath to avoid.

    Bye Bye
    Pablo Sánchez 5°D

  33. Hello everybody!!!
    A good way to get rip of hccpus is by drinking water withaut breathing.
    have a nice day,
    Hugo 5C

  34. Hello
    A way to stop hiccups is drinking a glas of water reverse
    Carlos Gómez

  35. Hi everyone !
    A way to stop hiccups is drinking water withouth breathing ,almost for 15 seconds.
    Have a nice day :)
    Sara Rivero 5ºC

  36. Hello everyone!!!

    A good way to stop hiccups is to scare, drink water without breath, drink water very fast and eat a lemon.
    Have a nice day

  37. Hi!!
    A good way to stop hiccups is drink water
    without breathing.
    Have a nice day :)
    Jimena Fernández 5ºA


    I know a way to stop hiccups, it is drinking water upside down.

  39. Hi, I now one way to stop hiccup, it is that someone give you scare. I don't now if it works
    Have a great weekend!

  40. Hello,
    Yes, drinking water without breathing.
    Marcos Magallón 5C

  41. Hellow
    One way to quintal hiccups is by turning inside out or drinking water from behind

  42. Hello!!!
    One form to stop the hiccups, is that you can holding my breath.
    Alejandro Magallón 5B.

  43. Hi!!
    Some ways to stop hiccups, are...
    1. Drinking some water.
    2. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.
    3. Scare the person with hiccups.
    Have a nice Friday and weekend!!

  44. Hi
    forms of stop hiccups, are drinking Walter le holding your Breathe for few seconds.
    Have a nice day!!

  45. Hello !!!
    I know some ways to stop hiccups.
    - drink water.
    - don't breathe for 15 seconds.
    - scare the person that have hiccup.
    Have nice weekend !!!
    Daniela Ortega 5°B.

  46. Hello everyone
    When you have hiccups, you should drink a lot of water or someone should scare you.🥛😱
    Have a nice weekend! 😜
    Alba 5D

  47. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  48. Hi
    The way I know to avoid hiccups is to drink water without breathing.
    Have a nice weekend.

    Alejo 5D

  49. Hello,
    The ways l know to stop hiccups is hold breath 10 seconds, drink a glass of water or scare the person who has hiccups.
    Valeria 5D.

  50. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  51. Hello!!
    When I have hiccup I drink a lot of water ir I don't breathe 10 seconds

  52. Hello,
    Yes, I know that if you scare him, his hiccups will go away.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Romeo 5ºB.

  53. Hello!!!
    when I have a hiccup I start to drink water and then put my head upside.
    Hae a good friday!!!!
    Alvaro Martinez

  54. Hi!!!!one way stop hiccup is I thing to drink water.
    Andrea Sánchez García 5D.
    Have a nice day.❤

  55. HELLO!
    One way to stop the hiccup is to drink 3 drinks of water, coffe, whatever you like. But very fast.
    Maria 5B

  56. Hello
    One way to stop hiccup is to drrink a glass of water whith out breathing.
    Have a nice weekend!!!!!
    Ian 5ºA

  57. Hi!!
    1.Drink water reverse.
    2Tell someone scares you.
    Arturo Ortiz 5D.

  58. Hello:
    One way to stop the hiccup is that someone scares you.
    Have a nice day.
    Sarah Arias Martín 5ºD.

  59. Hello everyone!!!
    One way to stop the hiccup is to drink a lot of water.
    Have a nice day,
    Juan Pascual López 5ºA.

  60. Hello everyone!!
    I know two ways to stop hiccup
    👉🏻Drink water slowly without breathing
    👉🏻Try someone to scare you
    Have a nice day!!!

  61. Morning!
    You can hold your breath for a few seconds to stop hiccups.
    Have a nice day!

  62. Hello.
    What I know about hiccups is that you can stop drinking water, someone scares you, hold your breath as long as you can or forget you have it.
    Have a nice day !!
    Carmen Hermosa 5ºD

  63. Hello
    A good way to stop hiccups is to stop the hiccups you have to drink water very quickly


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