
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

Viernes, 29 de mayo. CORRECCIONES 27 al 29 de mayo. (todas las áreas).

¡ Buenos días a todos! A continuación encontraréis las correcciones de las actividades que habéis realizado entre el 27 y el 29 de mayo. Os pedimos por favor, que al comprobar los errores, aparte de escribir la opción correcta, nos consultéis las dudas que os puedan surgir. ANSWER KEY UNIT 5. Heat and Light Session 3 ANSWER KEY DO IT NOW 27th-29th May Solución ficha OPERACIONES MATEMÁTICAS Un saludo. Buen fin de semana. Se acaba mayo.  Vuestras maestras.

Viernes, 29 de mayo. Lengua y Matemáticas

Buenos días, chicos. Durante el día de hoy no habrá tarea, sino que aquellos que no han acabado las tareas colgadas a lo largo de la semana podrán terminarlas. No obstante, como siempre, os ofrecemos una actividad VOLUNTARIA para aquellos que quieran realizarla. Dado que la semana que viene comenzaremos a estudiar  geometría, hoy podéis trabajar con el tangram . Todos sabéis lo que es, ya que lo habéis trabajado en los talleres. Para ello, os dejo un tangram para imprimir (aquellos que no tengan impresora pueden dibujar uno, atendiendo a las medidas de los elementos), y el vídeo del tercer nivel con las figuras. Podéis dar a "pause" y pensar de qué manera formar esa figura. TANGRAM Pasad buen fin de semana, Bea y Cristina

Friday, 29th May. ENGLISH. Reading comprehension and word of the week.

Hello everyone! Today you first need to read this reading called Heat. You can download it here: Are you good with money? After you have read this text carefully and tried to understand all the new words, go to TEAMS and access the assignment called Reading comprehension: Are you good with money? . You can use the dictionary if you need it. There you will need to answer the reading comprehension questions about the text. The students who are having problems using Teams, they will receive the questionnaire in the email accounts.  IMPORTANT **You have to get at least 15 questions right, students who get less than that will have to repeat it. The deadline for this activity is May 30th at 18:00 hs. WORD OF THE WEEK Second, the word of the week is: FIZZY. Do you know the meaning of this word? Watch the video below: Finally, leave a comment below answering these questions: Do you like fizzy drinks? What is your favourite fizzy drink

Thursday, 28th May - ENGLISH: Modal Verbs

Hi, everyone!! Today we are starting a new item of English grammar called Modal Verbs .  Firstly, we'll start by watching the explanation about them in this video we have created: You need your  English book  and also, open  Travelers  in your browser. We have already sent you the Travelers assignment that belongs to the two pages of this unit about  First Conditional. Go to page 180.  If you can use Travelers, first listen to the audio of the page. Then, read aloud the grammar explanation and try to understand its use. After this,  do exercises 6 from page 180, 7 and 8 from page 181. If you don't understand any new word of these pages you can search for them on the web Cambridge dictionary: Cambridge Dictionary Complete the following three interactive worksheet. Click the links below: 5ºA-5ºB Must or mustn't Liveworksheet 5ºC-5ºD Must or mustn't Liveworksheet 5ºA-5ºB Should or shouldn't Liveworksheet 5ºC-5ºD Shoul

Jueves, 28 de mayo. Lengua y Matemáticas

Buenos días, chicos. Hoy, en el área de LENGUA , realizaremos el Kahoot de la unidad 10 . No obstante, antes de comenzar debéis leer detenidamente todas las instrucciones: 1. Debéis poner  NOMBRE Y APELLIDO . No se pueden poner otros nombres o apodos.  2.   Solo se puede  realizar una vez . En caso de hacerlo dos veces, solo tendremos en cuenta la nota del primero que hayáis realizado. 3. Si tenéis cualquier problema y no os deja terminar de completarlo (esperemos que no suceda), volved a meteros en el link, introducid vuestro nombre y apellido y la inicial del segundo apellido y comenzad otra vez. Completad el Kahoot con las mismas respuestas que hayáis dado la primera vez (podemos ver el anterior Kahoot y compararlo) y las nuevas preguntas,id respondiéndolas  tranquilamente. Además, escribidnos un comentario en el blog para tener en cuenta lo sucedido. 4. Si surgiera algún problema, escribidnos al correo, al chat de Teams o en los comentarios del blog para que podamos soluci

Thursday, 28th May 2020 - NATURAL SCIENCE: Unit 5. Session 3

Hello everyone!!! Today we continue with Heat and we are going to pay special attention to heat conductors and insulators. First, watch this video about  heat conductors and insulators. Read this summary, you can copy it in your notebook o print it by downloading it below. Conductors and insulators Poster Download the document below, read the information and do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. ü    Natural Science- Unit 5: Session 3 PDF VERSION ü    Natural Science- Unit 5: Session 3  WORD EDITABLE VERSION For exercise number 2 you need to listen to the YouTube video that you have seen in the beginning of this entry.  If you don't understand any new word  you can search for them on the web Cambridge dictionary: Cambridge Dictionary Enjoy your day! Bárbara y Noelia

Miércoles, 27 de mayo. CORRECCIONES 25 y 26 de mayo (Todas las áreas)

¡ Buenos días a todos! A continuación encontraréis las correcciones de las actividades que habéis realizado entre el 25 y el 26 de mayo. Os pedimos por favor, que al comprobar los errores, aparte de escribir la opción correcta, nos consultéis las dudas que os puedan surgir. ANSWER KEY - English Tasks 25th May 2020 ANSWER KEY - Social Science Money and Business definition session 1 ANSWER KEY UNIT 5. Heat and Light Session 2 ANSWER KEY DO IT NOW 25th- 26th April ANSWER KEY CONCEPT MAP THE TERTIARY SECTOR  SOLUCIONES EJERCICIOS MATEMÁTICAS 25-26 MAYO. SOLUCIÓN FICHA REPASO UNIDAD 10 MATES SOLUCIONES EJERCICIOS DE LENGUA 25-26 DE MAYO Solución Ficha repaso lengua unidad 10 Un saludo. Vuestras maestras.

Miércoles, 27 de mayo. Lengua y Matemáticas.

Buenos días a todos. Hoy en el área de LENGUA seguiremos repasando. Para ello, haremos la siguiente ficha de repaso. FICHA REPASO UNIDAD 10 (WORD) FICHA REPASO UNIDAD 10 (PDF) Ya que mañana es el Kahoot, os hemos subido hoy las correcciones de la ficha; sin embargo, es importante que no copiéis las respuestas, sino que la hagáis para poder ver los errores que tenéis y corregirlos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- En el área de MATEMÁTICAS vamos a realizar al Kahoot para evaluar la unidad 10 , El sistema métrico decimal. No obstante, antes de comenzar, leed detenidamente las siguientes instrucciones: 1. Debéis poner NOMBRE Y APELLIDO . No se pueden poner otros nombres o apodos.  2.   Solo se puede  realizar una vez . En caso de hacerlo dos veces, solo tendremos en cuenta la nota del primero que hayáis realizado. 3. Si tenéis cualquier problema y no os deja terminar de completarlo (esperemos que no suceda), volved a meteros

Wednesday, 27th May - ENGLISH: Story International Manners

Good morning, everyone!! Today we continue with the new English unit called Manners . You need your  English book  and also, open  Travelers  in your browser. We have already sent you the Travelers assignment that belongs to the   story of this unit called International Manners . Go to pages 178 and 179.  If you can use Travelers, first listen to the audio of the story. Then, read it aloud  and try to understand the new vocabulary. After this, go to page 179 and do exercise 5. * Remember you need to underline the sentence where you have found the clue to choose the correct answer. If you don't understand any new word of these pages you can search for them on the web Cambridge dictionary: Cambridge Dictionary To help you understand the story we have created a glossary of key words. Click below to download it. International Manners Glossary Finally, we would like you to answer  these two questions  in the comments below :  Can you think of any Spa

Wednesday, 27th May. SOCIAL SCIENCE. How we spend money? Session 2.

Good morning, everyone!!! The objectives of this session are to learn about: Different type of products: low-order and high-order products. Where can we buy those products and services? How can we save money when we shop? 1) First, read pages 66 and 67 of you Social Science book: make sure you know the meaning of the words, if not, please look them up in a dictionary. 2) After you have read carefully and tried to understand all the new words, go to TEAMS and access the assignment called "HOW WE SPEND MONEY?" There you will need to answer the questions. The students who are having problems using Teams, they will receive the questionnaire in the email accounts. The deadline for this activity is May 28th at 18:00hs. 3) Finally, leave a message to let us know: what high-order product would you buy when you grow up? Why? You have to choose only one. *Remember that leaving a message here is one of the tasks!! Have a wonderful day! Bárbara an

Wednesday, 27th May- English Do it now: Dictation

Hello, everyone! Today in the Do it now! you have to write the words you will here in the audio below. Just click on play. Have a nice day! Bárbara y Noelia

Tuesday, 26th May - NATURAL SCIENCE: Unit 5. Session 2

Hello everyone!!! Today we continue with Heat and we are going to pay special attention to the Changes in State. Download the document below, read the information and do exercises 1, 2 and 3. ü    Natural Science- Unit 5: Session 2 PDF VERSION ü    Natural Science- Unit 5: Session 2  WORD EDITABLE VERSION For exercise number 2 and 3 you need to listen to these audios that you will find in these two YouTube videos in order not to have problems to use it. If you don't understand any new word  you can search for them on the web Cambridge dictionary: Cambridge Dictionary Enjoy your day! Bárbara y Noelia

Martes, 26 de mayo. Lengua y Matemáticas

Buenos días, chicos. En el área de LENGUA hoy continuaremos repasando.  Para ello, en primer lugar, realizaremos las actividades 7 y 8 de la página 170. A continuación, haremos el siguiente dictado.   DICTADO       DICTADO (COPIA) Una vez hecho el dictado, debemos corregirlo. Este se encuentra en la página 170 del libro. Recordad que los errores hay que copiarlos una vez debajo del dictado.  -------------------------------------------------------------- En el área MATEMÁTICAS también vamos a continuar repasando, ya que mañana realizaremos el control  de la unidad a través de Kahoot.  Para ello, realizaremos la siguiente ficha de repaso .  FICHA REPASO UNIDAD 10 (PDF) FICHA REPASO UNIDAD 10 (WORD) Pasad buen día,  Bea y Cristina

Tuesday, 26th May. ENGLISH. Nationalities

Good morning children!! Let's learn today how to say in English different natinalities. Unlike Spanish, nationalities in English are capitalized: B ritish 😃 👍                  b ritish 😕 The word ' Nationality ' is not often used in spoken English. It is a formal and official word and it appears more frequently in written English.  They almost never say: What is your nationality? They usually say: Where are you from? OR Where do you come from? To tell someone your nationality you DON'T say: My nationality is Chilean. You say: I'm Chilean 1) Now listen to video in the link below, you will learn more countries and their nationalities, listen until it finishes.  2)  Leave a comment below answering at least three of these questions!! What is the nationality of someone from the United Kingdom (UK)? What is the nationality of someone from Argentina? What is the nationality of someone from Netherlands? What is the nationality of som

Tuesday, 26th May. ENGLISH. Do it now: Modal Verbs

Good morning everyone! **Read this entry carefully!! In this unit you will study the modal verbs. The objective of this entry is to help you to know more about them, because you did not study them yet. What is a modal verb? A  modal verb  is a type of  verb  that is used to indicate: ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestions, order, obligation, or advice.  Modals are different from normal verbs: 1: They don't use an 's' for the third person singular. 2: They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes 'can she go?'). 3: They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb (without 'to'), for example: STRUCTURE : Subject + modal verb + infinitive (without TO) +  comp You       must      call       him  No!!!!  You     must     to     call     him Let us know if you need help!! Bárbara and Noelia

Lunes, 25 de mayo. Lengua y Matemáticas.

Buenos días, chicos. En el área de LENGUA hoy comenzaremos a repasar la unidad 10. Por ello, tenéis que hacer las actividades 1, 2, 3 y 4, de la página 170. -------------------------------------------------------- En MATEMÁTICAS también continuaremos repasando la unidad 10, por lo que realizaremos las actividades     8, 10, 12 y  13 (pág. 166). Pasad un buen día,  Bea y Cristina

Monday, 25th May. ENGLISH. Unit 9: Manners. Session 1.

Hello everyone! Today we start the last unit of English: Unit 9 "Manners" Do you know the meaning of this word? According to the Cambridge Dictionary: Manners : ways of behaving toward people, especially ways that are socially correct and show respect for their comforts and their feelings. There are good and bad manners... 1) First, you need your English book: Go to page 174. Read and understand the whole page. Then, leave a comment below: let us know one example of bad manners and one of good manners you had read in this page. Go to page 175. Do the exercises 1, 2 and 3. 2) When you finish these two pages, you need to go to Travelers and do the assignments planned for today. IMPORTANT : check the deadline of the assignments in Travelers. 3) Finally, leave a comment below to tell us what examples of good manners you found interesting, after reading page 174. **Remember: leaving a comment is one of your tasks, do it please! Have a nice day! Bárba

Monday, 25th May. SOCIAL SCIENCE. Unit 4: Money and business. Session 1.

Good morning children! Last unit of Social Science, you are doing an awesome job from home, please keep working! In this unit you will learn about money: How we save and spend money How to make budgets 1) Watch the video, you will learn new words, it is important you take notes, you will need the information to complete the worksheet later. 2) Now, read page 64 of your Social Science book, pay attention to new words, they are in blue. 3) Complete the worksheet in Liveworksheets.com. Today you have to copy the words next to their definition, please do not leave more than one space between concepts with two words. 5ºA-5ºB Money and Business -Worksheet 1 5ºC-5ºD Money and Business -Worksheet 1 *Remember to send us the worksheet and write your full name: NAME+SURNAME Enjoy the day! Bárbara and Noelia.

CALENDARIOS - Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo

Buenos días a todos! Aquí os dejamos los calendarios de esta semana: CALENDARIO ACTIVIDADES LENGUA Y MATEMÁTICAS CALENDARIO ENGLISH AND SCIENCE  No olvidéis comprobar que habéis hecho todas las tareas, poned un tick en cada una a medida que las vayáis realizando. Como siempre, estamos a vuestra disposición a través del correo electrónico, del chat de Teams o a través de los comentarios del blog para ayudaros. ¡Feliz semana para todos! Vuestras maestras

Controles Kahoot Lengua y Matemáticas

Buenas tardes, chicos. Os informamos que el próximo miércoles, día 27, realizaremos el Kahoot de la unidad 10 de Matemáticas (unidades de medida, cambio de unidades, expresiones complejas e incomplejas...). Además, el jueves, día 28, haremos el Kahoot de la unidad 10 de Lengua (familia de palabras y campo semántico, preposiciones y conjunciones, letra g y j, métrica de los poemas...). Esperamos que estéis pasando un buen fin de semana, Bea y Cristina

Viernes, 22 de mayo CORRECCIONES 20,21 y 22 mayo (todas las áreas)

¡ Buenos días a todos! A continuación encontraréis las correcciones de las actividades que habéis realizado entre el 20 y el 22 de mayo. Os pedimos por favor, que al comprobar los errores, aparte de escribir la opción correcta, nos consultéis las dudas que os puedan surgir. ANSWER KEY DO IT NOW 20th-22nd May ANSWER KEY UNIT 5. Heat and Light Session 1 SOLUCIONES EJERCICIOS MATEMÁTICAS 20 y 21 MAYO. SOLUCIÓN FICHA MÉTRICA DE POEMAS   Un saludo. Vuestras maestras.

Friday, 22nd May. ENGLISH: Reading comprehension+Word of the week

Good morning, everyone!!! Today you first need to read this reading called Heat. You can download here: English Reading: Heat After you have read this text carefully and tried to understand all the new words, go to TEAMS and access the assignment called Reading Comprehension Heat . You can use the dictionary if you need it. There you will need to answer the reading comprehension questions about the text. The students who are having problems using Teams, they will receive the questionnaire in the email accounts. The deadline for this activity is May 29th. Second, the word of the week is: CHEEKY. Do you know the meaning of this word? Watch the video below: Now that you know the meaning, let's check it in the  Cambridge Dictionary: Now, let us know in a comment below: have you ever been cheeky to your teachers or parents in your life? Tell us about it. Have a nice weekend!! Bárbara and Noelia