Tuesday, 2nd June. ENGLISH. Listening activities and survey

Good morning!

Today we are having a listening session. You need your English book and also, open Travelers in your browser. We have already sent you the Travelers assignment that belongs to the two pages of this unit about Listening.

1) Go to page 182. Do exercise 9. As always you need to read the heading of the exercise carefully and every sentence carefully. Then, listen to the recording. Check the table carefully and try to guess what the possible answers are. Then, listen to the audio.

2) Go to page 183 and do exercise 10. This exercise is composed by true or false questions, so read all of them before you start listening.

3) Go to Travelers do the assignments. Check the deadline!

4) Go to Teams and complete the task "Ways of greeting - Survey". Here you have to read five ways of greeting around the world, then you have to rate them giving  1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars to each one (5 stars to your favourite way of greeting a
nd 1 to your least favourite).

** IMPORTANT: In the survey you express your opinion, there are not right answers, do not worry if you see you get 0/5, we wiil check the activity is done.

Deadline: June 3, 18:00 hs.


5) Leave a comment below to let us know what is your favourite way of greeting (the one you gave 5 stars)

** IMPORTANT don't repeat the rate more than once, if you gave 2 stars to the UK (like in the image below) you can't give 2 stars to another country)

Have a wondeful day!!

Bárbara and Noelia.


  1. Good morning everyone!!!
    I prefer the option of China because I think is the most normal!😂
    Enjoy your day!!!

  2. Good morning!!
    I gave 5 stars to the one I find most interesting, in New Zealand. Its very interesting to meet someone touching her/his nose. This are the other results I gave:
    1 star: United Kingdom: give a light handshake
    2 stars: China: shake hands and bow
    3 stars: France: give two "air" kisses
    4 stars: Thailand: put your hands on the chest and bow
    5 stars: New Zealand: Meet someone touching his/her nose and forehead
    Have a nice Tuesday!!

  3. I think it is china because it is normal and reliable. 5°B

    ¡¡¡good morning¡¡¡¡¡¡

  4. Good morning everyone!!
    I think that New Zealand it is very interesting, but I prefer United Kingdom.
    Enjoy your day!!
    Mara 5A

    1. Hello!!!

      I think that china is very interesting,but I prefer francia.

      Héctor Galindo 5ºA

  5. Hi,
    I think the most intereting way of greeting is the one used in New Zealand, it is so strange to meet touching other nose and forehead. That is why I give 5 stars to the way of greeting used in New Zealand.
    I give 4 stars to Thailand: put your palms together at chest level and bow.
    I give 3 stars to France: give two air kisses, pressing your cheek to the other person's cheek.
    2 stars to China: Shake hands lightly and bow without eye contact.
    1 star to the UK: Give a light handshake.
    Have a good day,
    Mario Sanz

  6. Hello:

    🌟1 star: New Zealand because I think is the most strange.
    🌟🌟2 stars: Thailand.
    🌟🌟🌟3 stars: China.
    🌟🌟🌟🌟4 stars: United Kingdom.
    🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟5 stars: France because is like in Spain and I get used on it.

    Have a nice Tuesday,
    Sara Olivera from 5°C.

  7. I don´t have the task in teams , I can´t do it. What I can do?Irene5ºB

  8. Hello,
    I think the most interesting is New Zealand.
    I give 5 stars to New Zealand.
    I give 4 stars to Thailand.
    I give 3 stars to China.
    I give 2 stars to France.
    I give 1 stars to UK.
    Have a nice day!!!

  9. Hi!!!!
    I don't found the task on teams. It doesn't put anything. Could you send it again?

  10. Hi!!!!
    1 star: China, because I think that it isn't interesting.
    2 stars: Thailand.
    3 stars: New Zealand.
    4 stars: UK.
    5 stars: France.
    Enjoy your day!!!!!
    Gonzalo Díaz 5ºD

  11. Hello everyone!!!

    I give 1 star to Thailand.
    I give 2 stars to China.
    I give 3 stars to United Kingdom.
    I give 4 stars to France
    I give 5 stars to New Zealand (Maori) because I think is very interesting.
    Have a nice day
    Lucas 5.D

  12. ✔1 star: New Zealand because I think is the most strange.
    ✔✔2 stars: Thailand.
    ✔✔✔3 stars: China.
    ✔✔✔✔4 stars: United Kingdom.
    ✔✔✔✔✔5 stars: France because is like in Spain and I get used on it.
    Im Pablo Diaz Lopez

  13. Hello ,
    My favourite way of greeting is the one of France.
    Have a nice Tuesday!!

  14. Hello! All the gretings are very interesting, but Idon´t like touching another´s nose, I prefer bowing or shaking hands. Good day!! Paz 5ºA.

  15. Hi!!
    My favourite was the hold hands of United Kingdom.
    Have a nice day!! Daniela 5ºA

  16. Hello everyone!!
    I think that I prefer China because is the most normal.
    Have a nice day!!
    Carla 5A

  17. Hi!!
    I have given 5 stars to New Zealand, I think is the most interesting.
    Enjoy your tuesday!!!

  18. Hello evryone

    I give 4 stars to United Kingdom
    I give 3 stars to Thailand
    I give 2 stars to China
    I give 5 stars to France
    I give and 1 star for New Zeland

    Have a nice day

    Joel 5ºC

  19. Hello

    1-China because they don´t have contac
    2-- Thailand because I don´t like the conuntrie
    3---United Kingdom because they are stretches
    4----New Zeland becaus they are kiut
    5-----France Because is like in Spain .

    HAVE a nice day

    Alejandra 5ºc

  20. Hello!!
    My favorite way of greeting is of the UK.
    Marcos Magallón 5C

  21. Hello everyone!!
    My favorite way of greeting is France
    because is very similar to Spain.
    Have a nice day :)
    Jimena Fernández 5ºA

  22. Hi everyone!!!
    I prefer Thailand, but China is very interesting.
    Have a nice day!!!
    Alejandro Magallón 5B.😛😀

  23. Hello!!!!!
    I give 5 stars to France
    Have a nice day ; )

  24. hello
    I also prefer france
    have a nice tuesday!!!
    Iván 5ºD

  25. Hello!
    My favourite way of greeting is France because is very similar to Spain.
    Have a good day!
    Claudia Herranz 5B

  26. Hi
    I prefer France I think it is because I am used to it.
    Elena 5ºA

  27. Hi!!!
    I gave 5 stars to New Zealand becouse I like the most
    Have a nice day
    Pablo Hernandez 5A

  28. Hello
    In my opinión I gave 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟to France because I like the most

  29. Hello I prefer New Zeland , I think is more interesing.

    Have a nice day!!!!!!

  30. Hello
    My favourite form of greating is the Thailand form because its different of others and it is the safest way to protect yourself against Covid 19.
    The form of greating that I dont like is the New Zeland form, because it is not the safest way.
    Bye Ian 5ºA

  31. Hello.
    New Zeland is very interesting, but I prefer the UK.
    Have a nice day!
    Carmen Hermosa 5ºD


    My favourite way of greeting is France.

  33. Hi!!!
    ⭐1 star: New Zealand.
    ⭐⭐2 stars: Thailand
    ⭐⭐⭐3 stars: China
    ⭐⭐⭐⭐4 stars: France.
    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 stars: united Kingdom.
    Have a nice day.
    Andrea Sánchez García 5D

  34. Hello everyone:
    My favourite way of greeting is the one of New Zeland. Touching their noses, it is very funny.
    Have a good day.

  35. Hello
    My favourite is Thailand because I like the hug
    Have a nice day

  36. Hello
    ⭐️ New Zealand 🇳🇿
    ⭐️ ⭐️ China 🇨🇳
    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ France 🇫🇷
    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ United Kingdom 🇬🇧
    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Thailand 🇹🇭
    I prefer Thailand because I think is the most interesting
    Carlos Gomez

  37. Hi!
    Theese are the stars I put:
    UK: 1 star.
    Thailand: 2 stars.
    China: 4 stars.
    France: 3 stars.
    New Zealand: 4 stars.
    Hope you're well!

  38. My favourite greeting is France because se do that in Spain

  39. Hello!!
    The most normal thing for me is to shake hands like in United Kingdom.

  40. Hello everyone!!

    I prefer the form of greeting of France because is like in Spain.
    Have a nice day!!!
    Pablo Serrano 5C

  41. Hi everyone !
    I give 5 stars to Frace because is too interesting and so cool.
    I give 4 stars to UK because I tink is interesting .
    I give 3 stars to New Zeland
    I give 2 stars to Tailand
    I give 2 star to China.
    Have a nice day !
    Sara Rivero 5ºC

  42. Hello
    My favourite way of greeting is United Kingdom.

    Have a good day.

    Alejo Marquez

  43. Hi!!!
    I gave 5 stars to United Kingdom because is normal.
    Have a nice day.

  44. Hello:
    The greeting which I most like is the New Zealand one.
    Because I think that it is the strangest of all the options.
    Have a nice day.
    Sarah Arias Martín 5ºD.

  45. Hi,
    My favourite way of greeting is Thailand.
    Have a nice day,
    Alba 5D🤩

  46. Hello everybody!!

    I give 1 star to: the New Zeland way of greet.
    2 stars to: the UK way.
    3 stars to: the Thailand one.
    4 stars to: the China option.
    And 5 stars: to the France greet.

    Have a nice day!!!


  47. Hello,
    I give 1 star to New Zeland.
    2 stars to Thailand.
    3 stars to China.
    4 stars to United Kingdom.
    5 stars to France.
    Have a nice day.
    Romeo 5B.

  48. Hi everyone!!!!!!

    I have given 5 stars to France. I really like it.

    Have a nice day.

    Pablo 5º D.

  49. Hi!!
    I give 5 stars to united states
    Have a nice day
    Álvaro Gutiérrez 5°C

  50. My favourite is New zealand.
    Marta Ceña 5B

  51. Hello everyone,
    My favourite form of greeting is France one.
    Have a prety day,
    Hugo 5C

  52. Hi!!
    I like more China for.
    Arturo Ortiz 5D.

  53. Hello!!!!
    My favourite greeting is the one of New Zealand, I think that is so funny.
    Have a nice day !!!!
    Daniela Ortega 5ºB.

  54. Hello,
    My favourite way of greeting is UK's one.
    Valeria 5D.

  55. Hello
    My favourite greeting is France one.
    Have a nice day.

    Jara López 5ºA.

  56. Hello!
    My favorite greeting is France one two.
    Have a nice day!

    Maria 5 B

  57. Hi!
    My favourite greeting is France, because it is similar to here.

    Have a nice day! Ander 5A


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