Wednesday, 25th March. Natural Science. Session 4.

Hello everyone!!

Do you remeber the Law of Consevation of Energy? 
Yes, you're right! Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It changes from one form to another. Right now you are transforming the chemical energy you got from food into kinetic energy when move your eyes to read this!

Watch this video to revise the contents you are studying in this unit:

Let's see more examples of energy transformation, download the lesson below:

Natural Science. Session 4. Energy transformation. PDF version
Natural Science. Session 4. Energy transformation. WORD version (editable)

** Remember!! soon you will check your knowlegde about energy, if you are not ready yet, don't wait to revise the contents and contact your teacher!!

Enjoy the lesson!

Bárbara and Noelia.


  1. Hi Noelia. We can do the worksheet in our Notebooks?
    Thank you so much,
    Jimena 5°B

    1. Hi, Jimena!
      If you don't have a printer, you can do it in your notebook. But remember to write the date, the session's number, the heading and full answers.

      Thanks to you :)



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