Monday, 23rd March. Natural Science. Session 3 (check again)

Good morning everyone!

Please check again there was a mistake with the links to the videos in exercises 3 and 5 (the videos are different)

Let's continue studying Energy!

This week you willl learn:

1) What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
2) When does energy transformation occur?
3) Examples of Energy Transformation.

Click below to download this lesson:

Natural Science. Session 3. Energy transformation. PDF version
Natural Science. Session 3. Energy transformation. WORD version (editable)

*** Get ready!! Soon you will check what you know doing a Kahoot!

The first activity will check what you have learnt last week, play the recording below and write your answers in a piece of paper or in the word document. Good luck!

Please, let us know if you need help!

Bárbara and Noelia.


  1. Good morning , I'm Irene of 5ºB.I don't understand what it says in the last question of the quiz.Can you write me the question?Thanks.

    1. Morning Irene, please listen to the audio again while you read the question:

      5. What type of energy does a torch produce? Radiant energy or mechanical energy?


      Your teachers!

  2. Hello al Alejandra of 5c.
    I don't lisent the ricordin.

  3. In the audio says nº5 but in the photocopy there's not nº5
    Hector D.

  4. In ex.3 and ex.5 both youtube video links are the same. Is this correct or a mistake?. Thanks

    1. Let me check, they have to be different!!

    2. Yes, there was a mistake, check again, I changes the links. Thansk for your comment Eva!

  5. Hello, i am Dario.Mi audio don´t work and i try it a lot of times.

  6. Dario check your computer, the audio for the moment is ok!

  7. Hi, the I can't listen the audio. The first time yes but I stopped and I can't listen to the audio

  8. El audio no se peude escuchar si me voy a la pagina del audio dice:
    En estos momentos no puedes ver ni descargar este archivo.

    Este archivo lo han visto o descargado demasiados usuarios últimamente. Intenta volver a acceder a él más tarde. Si el archivo al que intentas acceder es especialmente grande o se comparte con muchos usuarios, es posible que tardes hasta 24 horas en verlo o en descargarlo. Si transcurrido este tiempo sigues sin poder acceder a él, ponte en contacto con el administrador del dominio.

  9. Hi, we can't access the audio either.
    I think the problem is a limit on the number of accesses from Google Drive.
    Please revise this; this is maybe the reason for some people not being able to access the files.

    This is what Drive says:

    "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
    Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

  10. Hola Noelia soy Jimena 5°B, te quería comentar que el audio que nos has mandado no me funciona y no va al darle al play.

  11. I can´t hear the audio of the first exercise. I have tried it many times but I still can´t hear it.

  12. Good morning everyone, try to listen to the audio again!

    1. Hola,yo ya puedo escuchar el audio perfectamente, sin problemas.

  13. Barbara do we have today english and social homework?


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