Thursday, 23rd April. English. HAPPY WORLD BOOK DAY!!

Good day to you!!

Today is World Book Day, and the best way to celebrate it is to design the Instagram profile of your favourite character from a book (please only characters from a book)

Here are some examples of the most popular characters:

  • Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Voldemort, Dumbledore...
  • Charlie and the chocolate factory: Charlie Bucket, Mr. Willy Wonka, Veruca Salt...
  • Matilda: Matilda, Mr. Trunchbull, Miss Jennifer Honey...
  • Gerónimo Stilton: Thea Stilton, Benjamin Stilton...
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Aslan, the White Witch, Tumnus...
  • The Lord of the Rings: Gandalf, Frodo, Bilbo, Sam...


Choose your character, it's time to showcase her or him!!

1. Think about what your character does, says, thinks and feels.
2. Choose a template, they are fully editable (this means you can change the information in your computer)
3. Draw a profile picture (or copy and paste a picture) in the circle and add an Instagram user name on the top line.
4. In the squares you can draw (or copy and paste images) important moments in your character's life.
5. Add a number for how many posts he or she has made, number of followers and and how many accounts he/she is following.
6. Add his or her bio in three lines. Tell a little bit about him/her.
7. Send your teacher a picture or the document via email (the deadline is Friday 24 April)

Choose your template: (I have erased the images, you have to download the documents below)

Template 2
Template 3

We hope you enjoy this activity!!

Bárbara and Noelia.


  1. Hola Barbara

    Cuando entro a cualquier ``template´´ y salen cosas escritas.

    Espero tu respuesta

    Paula 5ºD

    1. A mi me sale eso en la primera y la segunda, la tercera no asi que he hecho la tercera.

    2. You can change the texts girls, I wrote instructions in some of them, so you know what to do in that part of the document.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. I didn´t print it, I did it in the computer

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. Yes María, in the computer if you can't print or you print it and draw and write by hand.

    4. Thanks a lot Rocio and teachers
      MARIA 5B

  3. Can I copy and paste pictures from the film?

  4. where we write th edescription in the templete 2??

    1. Zaira you can write below or next to the space you have for the name or in one of the squares, to do it you have to insert a "text box", then click inside and write.

  5. Buenos días Barbara.
    No me deja editar las paginas.

    1. Sarah, don't click in the images, go to the bottom of the post and click where it says:
      Template 1
      Template 2
      Template 3

      I'm already receiving your classmates' activities (they could edit them)

  6. Hello!
    I can't edit the pages.
    Claudia Herranz 5B

  7. como hago esto? no nos deja editar las plantillas .

  8. Hi!!
    I can't write in the document. It puts"Read Only". What can I do??
    Jimena 5°B

  9. Hola a todos! las plantillas se pueden editar, he recibido ya trabajos hechos. Estáis haciendo click en las imágenes?

    Debéis descargar las plantillas al final de la entrada:

    Template 1
    Template 2
    Template 3

    Revisadlo por favor y decidme si habéis podido.

    Un saludo.

  10. Hi guys, I have erased the images, because you were trying to edit the pictures, not the documents.

  11. Buenos días Babara soy el padre de Sarah , no hay manera de editar nuestro ordenador solo nos deja hacer garabatos, ni escribir ni poner fotos.

    1. Buenas tardes, habéis intentado descargarlo desde los enlaces al final de la entrada? Intentadlo otra vez por favor.

      Cuando abrís el documento debéis descargarlo, para ello haced click en la parte de arriba a la derecha (una opción que está al lado de otra que son tres puntitos).

      Después de esto lo guardáis en una carpeta en el ordenador y puede editarlo.

      Decidme si lo habéis conseguido sino intentamos solucionarlo de otra manera.

      Un saludo.

  12. He probado con las 3 plantillas. y no puedo editar en ellas. Pone que es solo de lectura y que no se pueden guardar cambios en los archivos. 😞

    1. Hola Valeria, has dado click en "habilitar edición" cuando el documento está abierto y descargado? No te dejará guardar cambios hasta que lo hagas. Un saludo.

  13. Hello Bárbara:
    Can I put five lines of the descriptipon.
    I'm waiting your response.
    Gonzalo Díaz 5ºD

    1. I saw it later, you have already sent it, but of course you could do it!

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. Hola, a mi tampoco me deja editarlo. Andrea5.D

    1. Andrea, I am not sure why some of you can't edit it, some students could not do it because they don't have Power Point. Have you tried to do what I mentioned before?
      Anyway, you can draw it and send to my email the picture.


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