Thursday, 28th May - ENGLISH: Modal Verbs

Hi, everyone!!

Today we are starting a new item of English grammar called Modal Verbs

Firstly, we'll start by watching the explanation about them in this video we have created:

You need your English book and also, open Travelers in your browser. We have already sent you the Travelers assignment that belongs to the two pages of this unit about First Conditional.

  • Go to page 180. If you can use Travelers, first listen to the audio of the page. Then, read aloud the grammar explanation and try to understand its use.
  • After this, do exercises 6 from page 180, 7 and 8 from page 181.
  • If you don't understand any new word of these pages you can search for them on the web Cambridge dictionary:

Finally, we would like you to continue these sentences using the modal verb that you like in the comments below :

  1. If you fall asleep on the underground...
  2. If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia...
Just for you to remember the underground is a means of transport :)

We are looking forward to reading all your comments :)

Have a nice day!

Bárbara y Noelia


  1. Good morning!!
    1. If I fall asleep on the ground I may wake up because If I don´t do it my body will hurt on the ground.
    2. If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I must take a plane to go.
    Enjoy this fantastic Thursday!!

    1. Good morning!!!

      1.If i fall asleep on the ground I will make dirty

      2. If I want to visit a religious temple in asia I must take the pane to go.

      Héctor G. 5ºA

  2. Hello!!!
    💦If I fall asleep underground l may be really dirty.
    💦 If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you shouldn't enter with a skirt or shorts.
    Have a nice day 😊

  3. Good morning!!
    1.If I fall asleep on underground , I must not have air .
    2.If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia , I should wear some clothes from that culture.
    Happy day!! Irene 5B

  4. Hi
    If I fall asleep on the ground I shouldn't stay there because I will become too dirty.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I should know something about their religion.
    Have a good day,
    Mario Sanz

  5. If I fall asleep in the subway I would wake up to the noise of the train when I arrived.
    If I go to the religious temple in Asia I will take some type of transportation to go.5ºB

  6. Hi!!
    1 . I will be bad!
    2 . I will go with my motor home
    Have a nice day!
    Eva Sanz

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. Good morning!!
    1. If I fall asleep underground, I must wake up, because of not I would be late to the place that I want to go.
    2. If I go to the religious temple in Asia, I should now more things than now about Asian religión.
    Have a fantastic day!!
    Mara 5A

  10. Hello everyone!!!
    If I fall asleep on the underground I will wake up dirty.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia you have to respect the rules.
    Carla 5A

  11. Hi, if i fall asleep on the underground, my brother may wake up and if I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I should make sure I am following the rules

  12. Hello everyone,
    If I fall asleep underground it could be dangerous.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I would have to wear long pants.

  13. Hello eveyone!!
    If I fall asleep on the underground I will be dirty and a little scared.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I will follow their rules like not showing some parts of the body.
    Have a nice day!!!
    Unai Gómez 5ºB

  14. Hi!!!
    If I fall asleep underground, l may be very dirty.
    If I want to to a Temple in Asia, I must take a plane.
    Have a nice day
    Pablo Hernández 5A

  15. Hello
    If you fall asleep on the underground you are in danger of being robbed.
    If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you will have to travel far.
    Happy day
    Alex Caldera 5ºC

  16. Hello!
    If you fall asleep in the subway you might miss your stop.
    If you visit a temple in Asia you must respect there rules.

  17. Hi!
    If you fall asleep on the underground you must wake up before you arrive your destiny
    If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you have to buy tickets and go by plane.
    Have a nice Thursday.
    Sara Fernández Trejo.

  18. Good morning everyone!!!
    1. If you fall asleep on the underground, I will wake up very confused.
    2. If I go to a religius temple in Asia I must follow the rules.
    Enjoy your day!!
    Jimena 5°B

  19. Hi !
    1 If you fall asleep on the underground you must lose your stop.
    2 If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you mustn't wear a skirt or shorts.
    Have a good day

  20. Hi
    ⚜If I fall asleep on the underground, I will fall in the person I have next's shoulder.
    ⚜If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I think I will visit the Taj Mahal.
    Have a nice day,
    Sara Olivera from the 5ºC

  21. Hello everybody!!!
    👉If you fall asleep on the underground, you will lose your stop.
    👉If you want to visit a religious temple in asia you may have money to go.
    Enjoy the day!!😊
    Hugo 5C

  22. Hello!
    If I fall asleep on the ground, I will wake up dirty.
    If I want to visit a religious template in Asia, I must follow the rules.
    Have a good day!
    Claudia Herranz 5B

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. Hello!!

    ✔ If I fall asleep on the underground, I will wake up early because of the noise of the trains.
    ✔ If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I will wear the religious clothes that they use.

    Have a great day!


  25. Hello.
    If I fall asleep to the groung my body will hurt.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I will have good clothes.
    Have a nice day!
    Carmen Hermosa 5 D

  26. Hello everyone!

    1. If you fall asleep on the underground you can miss the stop.

    2. If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you must follow the rules of their culture.

    Have a nice day

    Paula 5ºD

  27. Hi
    1.If you fall asleep on the underground you could be far from your house.
    2.If you want to visit a religious temp!e in Asia you should wear clothing that covers the shoulders.

  28. If i fall asleep in underground i will wake up because i won't be comfortable.
    If i want to visit a temple in Asia i won't wear skirt or shorts


    If I fall asleep on the underground, I will be late to school

    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I have to take a plane

  30. Hi.

    If I sleep in yhe metro I am bad .
    I go with log pans


  31. Hello!!
    If I fall asleep on the underground, I must get up because i will lose my stop.
    If I want to visit a religius temple in Asia I should visit the Taj Mahal.
    Have a nice day!!!!
    Daniela Ortega 5ºB.

  32. Hello!!
    -If I fall asleep underground I would wake up because the sound.
    - If i want to visit a relious temple in Asia I should visit it.
    Have a nice day.

  33. If I fall asleep un the understand i must wake Up
    If I want to visit a temple un Asia I Will respect their comons
    Have a nice day

  34. Hello,
    - If you fall asleep on the underground you can miss the stop.

    - If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you have to respect their culture.

    Have a nice day.

  35. Hi!!
    If you fall asleep on the underground ,you may be dirty.
    If you go to a religius temple in Asia , you must follow the rules.
    Have a nice day!!
    Jimena Fernández 5ºA

  36. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  37. Hi!
    ·If I fall asleep on the underground, later, I must search a departure.
    ·If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I might have a suitcase.
    Hope you're well!
    Héctor D. 5ºA

  38. If you fall asleep on the underground you will be late
    If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you must travel to Asia

  39. Hi!!!
    If I fall asleep on the underground I will wake up because of the sound.
    If I go to a religous temple in Asia, I must know and follow their rules.
    Have a nice Thursday!!

  40. Hi!!
    If you fall asleep underground, you may miss your train.
    If you want to visit a religius temple, you must respect the rules.
    Have a nice week Daniela 5ºA.

  41. Hi!!!
    -If I fall sleep on the underground I will be scared.
    -If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I have to go silent.
    Have a nice day,
    Irene 5A

  42. Hello eeveryone!!
    -If I fall asleep on the ground, I might be dirty.
    -If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia, you must follow the etiquette.
    Have a nice day!!😃

  43. Hello,
    If l fall asleep on the underground l would miss my stop.
    If l want to visit a religious temple in Asia, l should follow their traditions.
    Valeria 5D.

  44. If I fall sleep in the underground I could wake up in other station.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I must take a plain.
    Marta Ceña 5B

  45. Hi!!!!
    If I asleep in the underground, I would lose my stop
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I will need a guide
    Have a good day!!!!

  46. Hi!!
    1) If I fall sleep on the underground I should be dirty
    2) If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you must know something about that religion.
    Have a nice day
    Álvaro Gutiérrez 5°C

  47. Hi,
    If you fall asleep on the underground, you can miss your stop.🚇
    If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia, you must respect their rules.🏯
    Have a nice day!
    Alba 5D 👋🏼😁

  48. Hello everyone!!!

    If you fall asleep on the underground, you might dirty.
    If you want to visit a religion temple in Asia you must respect their religion.
    Have a nice day
    Lucas 5.D

  49. Hello!!!!!!
    If you fall asleep on the underground you may go to bed earlier at night.

    If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia you must take your shoes off.

    Bye Bye
    Pablo 5ºD

  50. Hello
    If I fall asleep on the underground I may wake up because of the noise
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia I must respect their religion
    Carlos Gómez

  51. Hi

    If you fall asleep on the underground you will dirty an smell bad

  52. Hello,
    -If I fall asleep on the underground I might be dirty.
    -If I want to visit a religious temple is Asia I would tell this to my family and we could spend the day there.
    Have a nice Thursday.
    Romeo 5B.

  53. HELLO.
    If I fall on the underground I may wake up because I wll be unconfortable.
    If I want to visit a religous temple in Asia I must be quiet and with good manners.
    MARIA 5 B

  54. Hi!!
    If I fall sleep in the underground I make dirty.
    If I go to a religious temple in Asia I need the ticket.
    Arturo Ortiz 5D.

  55. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  56. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  57. Hello:
    If you fall asleep on the underground, you may hurt your back and you would not move properly.
    If you want to visit a religious temple in Asia, you must cover you head with typical clothes.
    Have a nice day.
    Sarah Arias Martín 5ºD.

  58. Hi!!!!
    If I fall asleep on underground, I will make dirty.
    If I want to visit a religious temple in Asia, I will respect the rules.
    Have a nice day.❤
    Andrea Sánchez García 5D.💚

  59. Hi!!
    My mother wake my up.You have to speek asian

    Have a nice day


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