Friday, 29th May. ENGLISH. Reading comprehension and word of the week.

Hello everyone!

Today you first need to read this reading called Heat. You can download it here:

After you have read this text carefully and tried to understand all the new words, go to TEAMS and access the assignment called Reading comprehension: Are you good with money?. You can use the dictionary if you need it.

There you will need to answer the reading comprehension questions about the text. The students who are having problems using Teams, they will receive the questionnaire in the email accounts. 

IMPORTANT **You have to get at least 15 questions right, students who get less than that will have to repeat it.

The deadline for this activity is May 30th at 18:00 hs.


Second, the word of the week is: FIZZY.

Do you know the meaning of this word? Watch the video below:

Finally, leave a comment below answering these questions:

  • Do you like fizzy drinks?
  • What is your favourite fizzy drink?
  • Do you consider them a healthy option?

Have a nice weekend!

Bárbara and Noelia.


  1. Hi,
    I like fizzy drinks and my favourite is Fanta. However, they aren't healthy.
    Have a nice day,
    Mario Sanz

    1. Hello!!!

      I love fizzy drinks.My favority fizzy drink is orange fanta ,it´s not healthy if you always drink it.

      Héctor. G 5ºA

    2. Si me encanta las bebidas con gas y mi favoria es la fanta y no lo veo muy saludable.

  2. Hi!
    ·No, I don't like fizzy drinks.
    ·I don't have a favourite fizzy drink, but, if I have one, it will be the Aquarius.
    ·No, I don't. But is not bad to drink them sometimes.
    Hope you're well!

  3. Hi,
    Barbara, what do we have to bring to the videoconference of today? Do we have to bring the natural and English activities of the last videoconference?
    Mario Sanz

  4. Hello!!!
    I hate fizzy drinks they are very unhealthy, I prefer to drink water.
    Enjoy your weekend.😀

  5. Hi!!
    I love fizzy drinks. The coke is the most i like.Is very unhealthy.

    Have a nice day

  6. Hello everyone!!
    1. I HATE fizzy drinks!!!!!! I can't drink them 😂!
    2. I don't like any fizzy drinks.
    3. I think that fizzy drinks are so unhealthy...
    Enjoy your day!!!
    Jimena 5°B

  7. Hi!
    -I like some fizzy drinks , not all of them.
    -My favourite fizzy drink is "Fanta Naranja".
    -But I don't consider fizzy drinks healthy , they are unhealthy .
    Hace a good weekend!! Irene 5B

  8. Hi everyone,
    I like fizzy drinks a lot my favorite is coca cola.
    They’re not healthy so I rarely drink them, and If I do It is in special ocasions.
    I hope you have a good day.

  9. Hello!!
    Yes, I like fizzy drinks and my favorite is Pepsi Max.
    No, but all of them are refreshing.
    Marcos Magallón 5C

  10. Hi !!
    I don't like fizzi drinks.
    No , they are unhealthe
    Eva Sanz 5ºA

  11. Hi everyone!!
    I like fizzy drinks and my favorite one is peach Fanta 🍑
    Have a nice day!

  12. Hello everyone,
    I don´t like much fizzy drinks. Occasionally I drink a Fanta of orange. The fizzy drinks aren´t healtly.

  13. Hello

    Yes, I like fizzy drinks my favorite is Aquarius.
    The Aquarius sometimes is good.
    Víctor Gutiérrez 5ºA

  14. Good morning!!
    Yes, I like fizzy drinks but only some of them.
    My favourite fizzy drink is Fanta.
    No, they aren´t healthy, that's why you don't have to drink them every day.
    I prefer to drink orange juice and water.
    Enjoy the weekend!!

  15. Hi everyone!!
    I like fizzy drinks and my favourite one is coca cola.
    I think that they aren't healthy, so I only drink in special days.
    Have a nice day!!
    Mara 5A

  16. I like fizzy drinks, my favourite is coca cola but all fizzy drinks are unhealthy.
    Have a nivel day
    Marta Ceña 5B

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. Hi!!!!!!!
    I like fizzy drinks and my favourite one is Fanta, they are unhealthy.
    Enjoy your day!!!!!
    Gonzalo 5ºD

  19. Hello,
    I like fizzy drinks and my favorite fizzy drink is Coca Cola.
    I think that they aren't healthy.
    Have a nice day

  20. Helo everybody!!!
    👉I don't like fizzy drinks, I think they are very unhealthy.
    Have a nice day,
    Hugo 5C😊

  21. Hello
    I like fizzy drinks my favourite is cocacola .

    It´s unhealthy.

    Have a nice day
    Alejandra 5ºc

  22. Hi!!!
    Yes I like fizzy drinks.
    My favourite fizzy drink is the Coca Cola.
    I thing that they are not healthy because they have so much sugar.
    Have a nice week!! Daniela 5ºA

  23. Hi!
    🔹I don't like fizzy drinks.
    🔹I don't have a favourite fizzy drink.
    🔹I don't consider them a healthy option.
    Have a nice weekend,
    Sara Olivera from 5ºC.

  24. Hello!!!
    I like a lot fizzy drink.
    My favourite is fanta.
    I think that is very unhealthy but is so delicious.
    Have a nice day!!!
    Alejandro Magallón 5B.😛

  25. I don't like fizzy drinks, I think they are very unhealthy

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. I do like fizzy drinks. My favorite carbonated drink is Fanta. I don't consider them healthy. 5ºB

  28. I like fizzy drinks, my favorite fizzy drink js Fanta and I thing is not healthy.
    Have a nice day.❤
    Andrea Sánchez García 5D.😁

  29. Hi, I like some fizzy drinks, my favourite fizzy drink is Nestea but I don't drink it very often becouse I know they are unhealthy.
    Have a great weekend

  30. Hello!!!!!
    - Yes, I like fizzy drinks.
    - My favourite fizzy drink is Fanta.
    - I don't consider then a healthy option.
    Have a nice weekend!!!!!
    Daniela Ortega 5°B.

  31. Hello everyone!!
    I like fizzy drinks.
    My favourite I think is Fanta.
    And I think that all fizzy drinks are unhealthy, but I only drink sometimes.
    Have a nice weekend!!
    Carla 5A

  32. Hello!!
    -I love fizzy drinks.
    -My favourite fizzy drink is sprite.
    -But I think is not healthy.
    Irene 5A

  33. Hi everyone !
    I don`t like fizzy drinks.I prefer others like trina (orange) Aquarius ,etc.
    I think fizzy drinks are unhealthy.
    Have a nice day :)
    Sara Rivero 5ºC

  34. Hello!!!
    - I hate fizzy drinks
    -I prefer drink water
    -Fizzy drinks are very unhealthy
    Have a nice day ; )

  35. I like fizzy drinks my favourite is coke , fizzy drinks are unhealthy :)

  36. HI,
    RENE 5D:)

  37. Hi!!!
    I like fizzy drinks
    My favorite one is coca cola and fanta
    They are not healthy, but they are yummy

  38. hello
    I hate fizzy drinks
    If i need to chose I prefer CocaCola
    And they are not healthy
    Alax 5C

  39. Hello.
    Yes I like fizzy drinks.
    My favorite fizzy drinks is Fanta De Naranja.
    I do not consider a healthy option.
    Have a nice day.

  40. Hello!
    My favourite fizzy drink is fanta, but I don´t really like fizzy drinks
    I thing that fizzy drinks ara very unhealthy.
    Have a nice weekend.
    eLENA 5ºA

  41. Hi!!
    I don't like fizzy drinks.
    I don't have any favourite fizzy drink, but if I have to choose one, I would choose fanta.
    I think fizzy drinks are unhealthy, its better to drink water.
    Enjoy the weekend!! :)

  42. Hello!!
    I love fizzy drinks but my favourite is fanta.
    I think they are unhealthy but sometimes you can drink them.
    Alvaro Martinez

  43. hI!
    I don't like fozzy drinks.
    But I like only one that is Nestea.
    I think fizzy drinks are noy healthy and is better tod drink water or drinks like, teas, etc.
    Have a nice day
    Maria 5 B

  44. Hello!!

    ✔ I like fizzy drinks.
    ✔ My favourite fizzy drink is Coca cola.
    ✔ I don´t think fizzy drinks are not healthy, that´s why I don´t ussualy drink them.

    Have a nice day!!


  45. Hi
    No I don't like
    I don't have an favourite
    It is not healthy

  46. Hellow
    I like fizzy drink.
    My faborita fizzy drink is fanta.
    I consider is not healthy.
    Samuel 5°A

  47. Hi!!
    -I like fizzy drinks.
    -My favorite fizzy drinks are Sprite and Coca cola
    -I think fizzy drinks are unhealthy
    Have a nice weekend!!
    Jimena Fernández 5ºA

  48. Hi
    I like fizzy drinks .
    My favorite is cocacola.
    I think is not a healthy option

  49. Hello everyone!!!
    Ilike a lot of fizzy drinks but
    my favorite fizzy drink is fanta.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Roberto 5A

  50. Hi!!
    I like fizzy drinks, but the fizzy drink that I like the most is cocacola.
    I think fizzy drinks are not healthy
    Have a nice day
    Álvaro Gutiérrez 5°C

  51. Hello
    I like fizzy frikis
    My favourite is acuarios
    I think that is not so healthy
    Have a nice weekend 😘

  52. Hello!
    I don't like fizzy drinks.
    And I think is not a healthy opinion.
    Have a nice weekend!
    Claudia Herranz 5B

  53. Hello, I am Jorge, 5D
    I like fizzy drinks and my favourite fizzy drinks are Fanta and Coca-Cola. But, I think that they aren't healthy.

  54. Hello everyone!!!
    I like fizzy drinks and my favourite is coke.
    I think that they aren't healthy.
    Have a nice day,
    Juan Pascual López.

  55. Hello everyone!!!

    1. I love fizzy drinks
    2. My favourite is coke
    3. They are unhealthy
    Have a nice day

  56. HI
    Do I like fizzy drinks?
    No I don't like them
    What is my most hated fizzy drink?
    My most hated fizzy drink is Coca Cola
    Do you consider them a healthy option?
    I don't think fizzy drinks are good options
    Have a nice weekend!!!!!!!!
    Sara Fernández Trejo 5ºA

  57. Hello,
    l like some fizzy drinks and my favourite is Coca Cola.
    But l think not healthy drink it every day.
    Valeria 5D.

  58. Hello
    I like fizzy drinks such us Fanta of orange, but they arent very healthy.
    Have a nicee weekend

  59. HIII
    I like fizzy drink.
    my favourite fizzy drink is Fanta and i think that is unhealthy.
    HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Hi!!
    I like fizzy drinks and my favorite is Fanta of orange.
    I think that are unhealthy.
    Arturo Ortiz 5D.

  61. Hello!!!
    -I like fizzy drinks
    -My favourite is Fanta
    -I don´t considerate healthy
    Have a nice day.

  62. Hello
    I don't like fizzy drinks
    I don't have a favourite fizzy drink but my favourite drink is nestea
    I don't think that fizze drinks are healthy because when you drink it then you are going to have gases
    Have a nice day
    Carlos Gómez

  63. Hi,
    - I don’t like fizzy drinks.🍾✖️
    - I don’t have a favourite fizzy drinks. I like other drinks such us Aquarius or water.
    - I think that fizzy drinks are not healthy. Also Aquarius is unhealthy because has a lot of sugar.
    Hive a nice weekend!
    Alba 5 D😜

  64. Hello
    I like fizzy drinks
    My favourite fizzy drink is the coke
    I think that fizze drinks are healthy because when you drink it then you are going to have gasses and you willn't have a pain in the gut
    Iván Fernández Jiménez 5ºD

  65. Hi,
    I like fizzy drinks. My favourite fizzy drink is Fanta. I think that fizzy drinks are unhealthy because they have a lot of sugar.

  66. Hi
    I like fizzy drinks my favorite is Coca Cola
    I think that they aren’t healthy

  67. Hello:
    I like frizzy drinks anda my favourite is Coca Cola.
    I think that frizzy drinks aren't healthy.
    Have a nivel day.
    Sarah Arias Martín 5°D

  68. Hello

    I don`t like fizzy drinks so I don`t have any favourite fizzy drink.
    I don`t consider them a healthy option to drink.
    bye Ian 5ºA

  69. Hello,
    I like fizzy drinks.
    My favourite fizzy drink is coca-cola.
    I don´t consider them a healthy option, but this helps you to wake up, like coffe.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Romeo 5ºB.

  70. Hello!
    I hate fizzy drinks! PUAJJ!
    I don´t have any favourite fizzy drinks, I prefer a milkshake or water.
    And I don´t considere them healthy.
    Have a very very very very very very good weekend,
    Paz 5ºA.

  71. Hello everyone¡¡¡
    I like the fizzy drinks,my favourite one is FANTA but I don't consider this a healty option.
    Have a nice weekend.

  72. I like the fizzy drink,my favorite is coca cola zero but I don't consider this a healthy option

  73. Hello,

    I like fizzy drinks my favorite one is Coke, but I know they aren´t healthy.

    Have a nice day.


    Yes I like fizzy drinks and my favorite fizzy drink is lemon trinaranjus but drinking fizzy drink is not healthy.

  75. I like fizzy drinks, specially Coke. Fizzy drinks are not very good.
    Bye Bye


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